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Garrison Fusion™ Anterior Matrix Bands
The all-new Fusion™ Anterior Matrix System from Garrison gives you the materials and techniques to restore many types of anterior lesions with confidence.
The Fusion Anterior Matrix contains a myriad of refinements to help you recreate ideal interproximal anatomy quickly and confidently.
- Only 15” thick – significantly thinner than strips to facilitate better interproximal contact.
- Firm stainless steel resists deformation both during placement and while compressing composite into the preparation.
- Easy to slide into the sulcus for deeper restorations.
- Ideal anatomic curvature in the gingival-incisal direction AND facial-lingual.
- Far superior to strips when restoring large or deep carious lesions.
Packaging: 50 bands per package
Informational Files
Fusion Anterior Matrix System IFU (Multi-Language)
Fusion Anterior Matrix Brochure